6 Simple Selfcare Practices that Really Move the Needle

Selfcare is about being consistent in the little things.

It’s about the day-in-day-out caring for yourself, mama. Using the little pockets of your days to re-fill your cup, to minister to your mind, soul and body. It’s about weaving in simple practices that move the needle.

What are those things for you?

The other evening while I was taking some time to recharge at the end of a long day, I started thinking about the selfcare practices I absolutely love that move the needle for me.

The game changers.

Some of them cost money (well spent), but some of them are completely free. All of them have a special place in my selfcare toolbox.

Here they are:

1.) Red light therapy.

I got mine second hand. You can find them refurbished or buy at the year-end sales. But I would pay full price for mine in a heartbeat. It’s that good. I have a Plantinum LED Bio 300 but there are so many good ones on the market. Do your research and get one that fits your needs.

I use mine multiple times a day. I sit in front of it in the morning and evening. If any of my little fam are feeling under the weather, I get them in front of it. My husband uses it for athletic recovery. It basically energizes your cells to do what they were created to do. There are so many great places to find more in-depth information and learn how to take your wellness to a new level using red light. I’m encouraging you to dive in, mama!

2.) Legs up the wall pose.

I do this whenever I’ve been on my feet a lot (every day, ha) and they are feeling tired and sore. I do it when I feel out of sorts. I do it when I need a quick energy boost and when I need to zen out. I’ve read that this pose is equivalent to a 15 min nap. It’s very restorative. All you need is a wall, a pillow if you like and 10-15 minutes.

To get into the pose, sit sideways with your left hip against the wall, lay down and turn on your back to put your legs straight up the wall. Scoot your bum as close as you can to the wall and relax. To come out of the pose, reverse the movement and sit up slowly. Repeat as often as necessary.

3.) Accupressure mat and neck pillow.

I have this mat and pillow set. I leave it out on my rug at the end of my bed so I see it whenever I walk into the room. I use it a lot more that way. I like to use it when I do my legs up the wall pose. I love to lay on it before I get into bed for the night. I use the pillow to wake up in the morning if my neck or shoulders feel tight. It’s amazing.

If you aren’t sure about acupuncture (it’s amazing, too, btw) or you can’t swing those appointments right now, this is a wonderful alternative to ease you into this ancient form of restorative healing.

4.) Daily sunshine.

When I get into the sunshine it’s literally like plugging myself in to charge. It restores my energy like nothing else. I walk first thing to get that morning sun and help keep my circadian rhythm aligned. I sit in the sunshine mid-morning while I drink my warm drink. I like to get sun on my belly or my legs; think of them as your body’s solar panels.

Some days I’ll take my water out to the back porch and sit in the afternoon sun as well. And checking on my gardens as the sun sets is my favorite, too. Just any and all sunshine. I crave it. So many benefits including boosting the immune system, sleep regulation, increasing serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and much more. Bonus: I like to go barefoot in the grass while I soak up the sun and get some grounding in as well.

5.) A morning walk habit.

I started this last June after my sister came to visit. She has a morning walk habit and it rubbed off on me. It’s become one of my favorite times of day. I get up, do my morning routine, greet the kiddos and put the youngest in the stroller with his bottle and we’re off. Pretty much unless it’s pouring or I am sick (I also take breaks on the weekend), I walk every morning for 20-30 minutes.

A morning walk habit helps me to:

  • get the sun on my face first thing in the morning to set my circadian rhythm
  • hear the birds singing and watch the seasons slowly change
  • boosts my energy and get me some quiet time to reflect, pray, plan my day
  • sleep better at night

It’s just all around an amazing habit that has a huge long-term wellness impact.

6.) A basic skincare routine.

This has taken me years to settle into. Learning what my skin needs and how to care for it well. I find my routine shifts with the seasons. In summer, I can exfoliate more and use more actives. In the winter, my skin craves a little more TLC with lots of hydration and gentle cleansing.

Daily I use:

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What are some of your selfcare practices that really move the needle?

Leave me a comment, I’d love to hear!

How Gratitude Brings Clarity [Two Simple Ways I’m Practicing Gratitude + More Thoughts on a Mid-Year Reset]

Let’s talk gratitude…

It’s week two of the July #soulmindbodyselfcare Reset. So, let’s talk about gratitude. Probably not the most popular topic [or is it?], but so key to this whole Reset. And life.

But you knew that.

If we’re not consistently practicing gratitude we’re going to lose sight of whats really important.

We’re going to hold on where we should let go.

We’re going to hoard + scrounge + cling. Meanwhile, the things that are important are going to pass us by before we even realize it.

I don’t want that and I’m guessing you don’t either. That’s why I sandwiched a week of focusing on gratitude in-between our weeks of naming what we need to let go of and naming what we need to embrace.

Gratitude is going to bring clarity to both.

How does gratitude bring clarity? Here are a few ways it brings clarity for me:

+ It helps put everything into perspective. When I look at the list of things I’m grateful for, it makes the little difficulties (even the big ones) pale in comparison to all of the blessings in my life.

+ It makes it clear where my priorities are. When I take the time to focus on gratitude, it shows me where and when I haven’t. And then I begin to see what I’ve been prioritizing. Where I’ve been holding on when I should be letting go.

I need you to know, dear reader – mama on the other side of the screen – gratitude doesn’t come easily to me. It’s not my default. I’m more of a glass half empty person.

But I also don’t want to throw up my hands in resignation. I don’t want to give up on something that I believe is key to “letting go of everything that isn’t important so we can fully embrace everything that is.”

Here are two simple ways I am choosing to practice gratitude daily:

No. 1 I am setting aside 15 minutes every day (usually first thing in the morning) to practice mindfulness, spend some time in prayer, and then name what I’m grateful for. The gratitude part seriously takes less than a minute, but it always leaves me feeling refreshed. I just start mentally listing all the things I’m grateful for in that moment and I stop when I feel done.

No. 2 I’m keeping a gratitude list. Just brain dump style. I leave my notebook out on the kitchen counter all day and when I pass it, as I think of things, I write down what I’m grateful for.

Here is the prompt for the second week of our Reset:

Answer these questions:

What do I love about where I am in life right now and what I already have?
What am I most grateful for?

Write it all down and review the list [and add to it!] often.

How are you practicing gratitude? Comment below and let me know! Or join me over on Instagram + leave me a comment there. I’d love to hear!

Let’s care for ourselves well,


P.S. If you missed the first week’s Reset post, you can find it here.

P.P.S. If you’d like each week’s prompts bright and early on Monday mornings, you can sign up to receive those here.

How Packing a Suitcase Started a Mini Revolution [Thoughts on a Mid-Year Reset + 7 Ways I’m Letting Go of What Doesn’t Matter]

My little family + I recently made our annual trek to the beach. My husband + I were married at a little spot called Inlet Beach, FL and we love going back every year. It’s been so neat to watch our family grow + make consistent memories there.

Our week away gave me time to think + pray and while I did one thought kept pressing itself on my heart:

Let go of everything that isn’t important so that you can fully embrace everything that is.

This thought wasn’t born from a rock-your-world event. No, this thought was born from packing our suitcase (of all things!). We decided this year we were going to pack as light as possible and only take one suitcase for the five of us. And, you know what, we did it. We used almost everything we brought and had no need to purchase anything we left behind.

And I couldn’t shake the thought that we successfully fit our whole life in one suitcase. All the dozens of scenarios I’ve come up with in the past (got to bring that in case this happens, etc) didn’t happen + even if they had, there was a Walmart right down the road. You guys, I wore one pair of flip flops the entire week + I was fine. Imagine that. Ha.

Not only was I fine, I was great! From our travel days, to finding items I needed, to keeping the suitcase organized, everything was easier, lighter, freer. Truly. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to keep things so simple, to let go of everything I hadn’t needed all those other times, and to embrace what was really important.

And it made me think: what kind of baggage am I carrying around? Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally? In all the ways? That’s totally unnecessary + that’s keeping me from living life to the fullest?

All of this has inspired me to spend the month of July focusing on letting go of anything and everything that I don’t need or love in my life.

A month of subtracting, not adding.


Stripping away.

Paring down.

A mid-year reset, if you will. A re-set, re-fresh, re-charge, re-commitment to what really matters.

Here are the 7 ways I’m letting go of what’s not important this month:

I am spending 15 minutes a day practicing mindfulness, prayer and gratitude. I’ll go into more details about this on Instagram, but essentially, I will spend a couple of minutes tuning in, about 10 minutes praying [this is when I will be praying daily for the Lord to show me everything I need to let go of] and a couple of minutes naming all of the things I’m grateful for.

I am not spending money on anything unnecessary. This month is about subtracting, not adding. This means I’m going to buy food to eat + diapers for my 15 month old + gas for the car, etc, but I’m not going to throw random items in my Amazon cart or get sucked into buying clothes I don’t need via email marketing (more on that next) or buy anything really that I can make, re-use or do without. More on this over on the gram, too.

I am unsubscribing from anything I don’t need. This means emails that are selling me something or that I don’t even remember signing up for (anyone else?!). This means any subscriptions to anything that don’t align with my priorities.

I am letting go of guilt. Guilt I’ve carried for far too long. Guilt over what I’m eating or not eating, what I’m doing or not doing, where I’m going or not going, how I’m mothering or not mothering. Self-imposed or not, it’s paralyzing and I’m done with it. Guilt has muddied the water for far too long – I want to see + think clearly.

I am going through the entire house (including the garage) item by item + letting go of anything I don’t need or love. I’m also hoping to find some things we can sell for some extra cash to put towards a few of our savings goals. Side note: my husband likes when I organize his stuff, but I never give anything away without his permission. Also, I will be enlisting the kiddos’ input when I go through their stuff as always. But everything else better watch out, ha.

I am getting back to basics with my self-care. Travel can really throw you off, even as hard as I tried to stay in routine and on plan. It always takes a lot more flexibility and winging it than being at home where I have so much more control. So, I’m getting back on my elimination diet (mostly, more on that later), back to our s l o w homebody routines, back to solid nap and bed times, back to my self-care rhythms.  

I am going back to my Tuesday + Thursday only Instagram days. This helps me cut way down on my phone usage. So I’m going to take that extra time and spend it reading (I’ll be sharing my current reads soon), writing (currently finishing up the draft of my book on self-care), moving (I’ll be sharing how I exercise with littles soon) and resting (lots of slow mornings, laying out in the sunshine while the kiddos play, detox baths and early bed times).

Are you ready to join me in this mid-year Reset?

Here are several ways you can:

1.) Check in here on the blog for the next three weeks. I’ll be sharing each week’s prompts as we go along. Here is the one for this week:

Answer this question: What do I need to let go of? Then write down the specific ways you’re going to let go. I encourage you to get super personal + practical with this step.

2.) Come follow me on Instagram! I post on Tuesdays + Thursdays and recently started using IGTV. Lots of good, encouraging content over there.

3.) Sign up for my email list and get each prompt in your inbox bright + early on Mondays. You’ll also received my Top 10 Self-Care Tips PDF for FREE just for signing up.

That’s it for now. I’ll be back next week with a post on our second week focus: specific ways to practice gratitude.

Let’s take care of ourselves,
