A Soul Mind Body Selfcare Reset [For When You Need A Fresh Start Caring for Yourself]

Sometimes you just need a fresh start. A reboot. A reset. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated. It doesn’t have to take time or money you don’t have.

It just needs to be something simple, straightforward and practical.

I was sick with the flu, my head was killing me, I had a fever, and was too weak to do anything but lay on the couch when I wrote the outline for this reset. I tapped it out in the notes app on my phone. Because I knew when I felt well enough, I was going to need a fresh start. A jump start.

Maybe you do, too, mama?

I’ve written the reset with a 2-week time frame in mind, but you can adapt it to be longer or shorter to suit your needs. Whatever you choose, the intention of it will bring so many benefits.

The reset touches on the three main areas of self-care – our souls, our minds and our bodies. For each area, we’ll be concentrating on two specific action steps. The final part is a list of ways we can choose to layer on some more intense self-care. Go a little further, a little deeper.

Whether you just got over the flu, you just got back from a trip, you just got through the holidays or it’s a random day in the middle of August and you simply have a desire for a fresh start, here it is. You can use it any time of the year for any reason.

I hope it helps you care for yourself, mama.


PS Get my new guide A Soul Mind Body Selfcare Reset for free —> HERE.