What My Daily Self-Care Routine Looks Like (Plus Three Steps to Creating Your Own)

In this article we’re going to cover two things:

  • What my daily self-care routine looks like
  • Three steps to creating your own daily self-care routine

A daily self-care routine is vital because it ensures that we are regularly, consistently caring for ourselves.

And when we’re consistent with our self-care:

  • We feel more our true selves.
  • We have more to give those we love.
  • We inspire those around us to care for themselves, too.

It’s taken time, trial and error. It shifts and changes with the seasons. But I have created a daily self-care routine that works for me. Now it’s on auto pilot. I don’t have to think, I just have to do.

Here’s what my daily #soulmindbodyselfcare routine looks like:


  • Wake up between 6-7am. It’s a broad wake up time since I’m currently dealing with Hashimotos and adrenal fatigue.
  • Open the blinds, open the window, tidy the bedroom, make the bed
  • Do my skin care routine + brush my teeth and hair
  • Read the YouVersion verse of the day or a passage from the book of the Bible I’m working through
  • Practice 15 minutes of mindfulness|meditation + prayer|gratitude + manifesting
  • Get dressed, do makeup + hair when needed. Again, I’m being really casual in this season of healing; I go make-up free and wear my pajamas all day quite often.
  • Head out to the kitchen to make my warm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice + a pinch of Redmond Real Salt. This aids in re-hydration + is also great for adrenal recovery.
  • Make + drink a green smoothie. I’ll often water plants + gardens outside, get some sunshine on my face, open the blinds in the rest of the house, greet the kiddos, set out my supplements for the day, etc.
  • Make + eat breakfast. Either a veggie + meat saute’, GF soaked steel cut oats, homemade granola with almond milk…or a veggie saute’. That one is on repeat a lot.

Through Out the Day + at Nap Time/Quiet Time

  • Make and drink hydrating + healing drinks as often as I’m craving them. Above and beyond 100 ounces of filtered water, I’ll drink stinging nettle leaf tea, healing hot cocoa, golden milk lattes, blended teas and (when I’m not on an adrenal protocol), Foursigmatic mushroom coffee.
  • Get outside with the kids, all day, every day. We do watering that needs to be done, play, read, run in the sprinkler, lay out and soak up sunshine, eat our meals. Basically we’re just outside as much as possible.
  • When I’m feeling the energy, I’ll do yoga or a HIIT workout. Again this is so dependent on my health, so I really have to listen to my body.
  • At naptime/quiet time, I ask myself the Magic Question. This usually leads to me working on the blog or my eBook on practicing self-care with littles (due out by the end of the year), taking a nap or reading.
  • Practice 15 more minutes of mindfulness|meditation + prayer|gratitude + manifesting
  • Clean one section of the house, throw in a load of wash, stay on top of purging/tidying. This is self-care to me. I like to do a little each day so that it doesn’t build up. Plus, there’s nothing better than a tidy house at the end of a long day.


  • Do the dishes and sweep/tidy the kitchen while my husband does bath time/bed time with the kiddos. I will prep any food, lunches, etc, for the next day as well. I consider anything that makes life easier in the long run (prepping ahead of time) to be self-care.
  • Make and drink my Calm Vitality magnesium drink.
  • Take a shower or a detox bath, do my skincare routine, get in my jammies.
  • Fill up the diffusers in our room and the kids room.
  • Go outside if I can and enjoy the sunset, walk barefoot, read or do a brain dump, plan out the next day
  • Be snuggled in bed by 9pm with my heat pack and a good book.
  • Lights off by 10pm so I can get at least 8 hours of sleep.

The best part is, now that I’ve got the shell of my routine down, I can sub, shift or change as needed depending on the season. I can also adapt it when traveling.

There’s never a reason to go a day without self-care.

Now let’s talk about the easiest way to create a self-care routine that works for you. Here are my three simple steps:

1.) Get a pen + paper (or pull up the Notes app on your phone) and make three time blocks like I did above: morning, throughout the day/nap time, and evening.

2.) Write down all the self-care items you would include in those time blocks on an ideal day. Don’t think too hard, just write what comes to mind. You might not always get to all the items, but you’ll have them as a reference.

3.) Start now. In whatever time block it is that you’re reading this. You don’t have to wait for the perfect day or time. Pick one of the self-care items you wrote down and start.

BONUS: Put your routine somewhere you’ll see it every day. Print it out, tape it inside a cupboard or on your mirror. Keep it in front of you until it sinks in and becomes habit.

Remember: every day is a new day to care for yourself.

Let’s care for ourselves,


P.S. Get My Soul Mind Body Selfcare Guide for FREE with 30 ways you can start caring for yourself right now, today.

P.P.S. I have a whole “Day in the Life” showing my self-care routines in action saved to my Instagram highlights. Hop on over and check it out. I’m over there every Tuesday and Thursday posting about all things #soulmindbodyselfcare.