Practical Self-Care Tips for When You’re Sick

This year we drove cross-country to be with my family for Christmas. Thirty hours one way with the three kiddos, but it went so much better than we thought it would. The kiddos did great, the roads were clear and we made it.

Fast forward to the day after Christmas. My daughter came down with the flu. After that, we all fell like dominoes. Thankfully staggered, but still. Phew. I’ve been super sick in the past, but I’ve never had the flu like that. It truly laid me out. Migraines, chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, stomach trouble, skin rashes, body aches… the whole shebang.

When life knocks you down the ladder to simple survival, it has a way of testing your routines, your self-care rituals, your tried-and-trues. What’s left is what is truly important, what really works.

You don’t have to be fighting the flu to implement the tips I’m going to share. Perhaps you’re feeling a cold coming on or you just feel extra run down. Pin this post and save it for later. Save the link to a note on your phone. Email it to yourself. Share it with a friend who is sick. Whatever works.

Let’s dive in…


WHY I know resting can be the hardest part of recovery. It is for me. But resting is not laziness. So much healing happens in your body when you allow it to rest. So, give yourself permission to “fall behind.” Strip everything down to the bare bones. Put all the non-essentials on hold and let yourself rest. This is self-care.

HOW What are some specific ways you can rest when your sick? The answer to that question can vary person to person. But here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • nap whenever you can
  • lay on the couch for large portions of the day
  • go to bed early + don’t set an alarm
  • stay off your phone and let your mind rest


WHY Because you can’t do it all. Especially when you’re sick. Remember, mama: you’re human. It’s okay to have needs, to ask for help, and to accept help from others.

HOW Once you’ve stripped everything down to the bare basics, see if you can outsource even some of those things. Here are a few examples:

  • Order your groceries online and have them delivered.
  • Order all other necessities from places like Amazon or Walmart and have them delivered.
  • If you don’t have delivery available in your area, ask your spouse to pick them up or ask a friend to drop them off.
  • If you’ve ever used a meal delivery service, now would be the perfect time.
  • Accept any and all help that is offered.


WHY Staying hydrated is super important in general, but especially when you’re sick. If you have a fever and you’re sweating a lot or you soak in a bath or perhaps you’re throwing up, then you’ll want to make sure you’re staying hydrated so your body can fight off illness.

HOW This is also easier said than done. I know I didn’t have much of an appetite when I had the flu and everything tasted bland. Water was hard to drink like I normally do. So, I added a splash of 100% pomegranate juice to my water, I drank bone broth with a sprinkle of salt and lots of herbal teas. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of water, more if you’re running a fever.

Check out this video for more tips on staying hydrated.


WHY Depending on how sick you are (there were several days with the flu when I could barely get up off the couch), this might be something you save for later in recovery. But slow, gentle movement can help your body release stiffness, boost your mood, and encourage lymphatic drainage.

HOW Here are a few different ways I moved while I was sick:


WHY Speaking of stiffness and lymphatic drainage, a detox bath will aid those as well. It will also help ease body aches, increase circulation, and promote relaxation. Epsom salts contain magnesium which is quickly depleted when our bodies are under stress (ie sick). Our bodies need magnesium for so many reasons, including helping our muscles relax and promoting restful sleep.

HOW Whether I’m sick or not, I love to soak in a detox bath a couple times a week. Check out this post for my favorite detox bath recipe and tips.


WHY It’s so important to be supporting our bodies while they fight off illness. We don’t want to burden them any more than they already are. If you have an appetite, food is one of the best ways you can get nutrients needed to heal.

HOW If you have an appetite, focus on eating warming, whole foods that support your body with nutrients needed for the healing process. Think: room temperature, veggie-heavy smoothies, bone broth, soups, roasted veggies, and lots of good fats. Listen to your body. If you don’t have an appetite, try simply sipping on a mug of warm broth. Note: processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, conventional diary and gluten are all hard on our bodies, even on our best days. Try to steer clear of those while you’re body is recovering.

Here are some of my favorite healing meal ideas:

  • Veggie lentil stew made with bone broth
  • Chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts or green beans roasted on a sheet pan
  • Chicken soup made with bone broth
  • Sauteed kale or Swiss chard, garlic, onion, any protein you’d like, served over polenta
  • This smoothie or this smoothie on repeat.


WHY Sunshine and fresh air are both helpful when we’re trying to heal. Sunshine can boost Vitamin D levels (which boosts our immune systems) and fresh air can clear out our lungs and deliver much needed oxygen to our cells.

HOW If you can’t make it outside or it’s too cold, try to find a sun spot or west facing window to sit in. Otherwise, take a mug of something warm (if it’s chilly) or top off your glass of water (if it’s warm) and sit outside in the sun. Lay out if you can, exposing as much skin to the sunshine as you can. And don’t wear sunglasses! One of the big ways our bodies synthesize Vitamin D is through our eyes. If you have the energy, go for a slow walk around your yard.


WHY While the tips we’ve previously discussed will always take precedence over supplementing, a high quality supplement has it’s place.

HOW Here are some of my favorites to use when I’m sick:


WHY Sometimes just having something fun to look forward to is enough to boost our spirits and tune our minds to recovery.

HOW I scheduled a hair appointment for when I started to feel better. It was so relaxing and rejuvenating. Here are a few more ideas:

  • Meet a girlfriend for lunch and a pedicure.
  • Go to a tanning salon. Seriously.
  • Get a massage.
  • Plan a day trip to somewhere new (or maybe an old favorite).
  • Plan that summer vacation or your winter getaway.


WHY When we are in the habit of listening to our bodies, we can sense intuitively what they need most in order to heal. Being mindful can speed our recovery and give us powerful insight.

HOW Do a body scan and take note of how you feel. Now answer these questions: where do I need the most support? What can wait? What is working? What isn’t? Now you have some powerful information to use as you move forward in the healing process and beyond.

Have any questions for me? Leave them in the comments and I’ll be happy to answer! You’ve got this, mama. Never fear! One breath, one step, one day at a time.

For more self-care goodness, come join me on Instagram. And if you haven’t joined my email list yet, that’s a great place to find more of the same. Check out the side bar (or scroll all the way down if you’re on mobile) to view all the freebies I’ve created just with you in mind. I hope you find something helpful.

Let’s care for ourselves,
